Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Me, happy

Greetings to all.
Before going to bed, I wanted to say that I am very grateful for my life and everyone participating in it.
Special thanks go to my loving and truthful friends: Nadya, Jonathan, Valerie, Natalie, Khushboo, Akash, Lana. I love you all and want to thank you for being in my life, you have a special place in my heart forever.
Also thank you to my family and especially my most adorable and affectionate niece Alexandra. You mean the world to me.
Thank you to my colleagues and their support. I feel accomplished and myself around you.
Thank you to my pet Josephine for constantly teaching me how to take care of someone special and how to give love and appreciation every single day.
Thank you to all guys I've dated for you helped me get closer to understand who I am as a partner and who I want.
Thank you Javi for helping me find my way back.

Thank you to P for making me feel my best when with or without you. For the peace and bliss you give my soul, mind and body.

Thank you to all who read my blog. I hope it gives you hope and assurance in true heart, in true love.
My gratitude to all who find inspiration and motivation to follow their heart.

Blessings to all.

With all my heart.

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