Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Dear all,

Most of you have noticed that my blog has been acting out (technically). The only reason I have is that it was visited by some kind of world web virus. I hope it's not the US government snooping on me :)

Anyway, unfortunately, I need to re-direct my blogging activity to another blog of mine.

Please follow me at my other blog New York Life: http://newyorklf.blogspot.com/

Thank you all, and meet you at my other home!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Babies R'nt Us

Cheers all,

So just as soon as I embarked on a journey to find my true path I was cornered by my mother and sister about having a child. They pushed me to the wall, pressed the gun to my uterus and demanded I have a baby right Now.

Apparently I am running out of time to join the most exclusive club of motherhood. With every minute celebrating my glorious 30s, I am wasting my life away (according to my mom and my sister).
Well that just pisses me off. Isn't it every woman's right to decide what she wants to do with her life? Why are we still marginalized by the society into making us believe that the only way a woman makes a difference in this world is by procreating. Why those of us who don't participate in increasing the already overcrowded planet are looked at with pity at best?

 Why are we still alienated by our own lot (women) for not joining them in what sometimes seems to be a very disappointing and stressful experience?

Just because some women find their purpose in having children doesn't mean others do.

What about those women who are more conscious about responsibilities motherhood entails. We understand that bringing a child to this world isn't just a bow to our feminine nature. We actually think about the world we would have to bring a new life into, and how it's not the ideal world for a new life. We think about how most food these days is processed, toxic or genetically engineered, and obesity among kids is growing. We think about the polluted air and water, and melting arctic ice. We think how the corporation is controlling our lives. We think of all the civil wars taking place in the world. We think how corrupted our government is. We don't trust our society anymore.
Then we stress about our jobs that only give 60 days of maternity leave, and there is no reliable and affordable day care available. We get anxious just thinking about leaving our child with some stranger at a day care, and run to work to be able to pay for it. Then we worry that having a child will put our career at risk, just because it does.
We realize that we don't have "the whole village" to raise a child, we only have ourselves, and if we are lucky  a reliable partner.

If anything we are more responsible and practical about motherhood, and are fully aware whether we are ready to bring a new life into this world or not.

I am not saying that having a child is completely out of the question for me and other women of my generations. But we are not driven by primal instincts, and when or if we decide to have a child it will be a deliberate decision based on weighted options and solid reasons, and the God's will of course.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Step I - Let it go

Cheers all,

Being somewhat an extremist, I tend to get carried away with things. And although being this way pays off when a course of action is obvious, what happens if it's not?

Since I started feeling unfulfilled working in the corporate world (about a year ago), I focused mostly on my dissatisfaction with the ways things were. Now, I made a big mistake by focusing on what I didn't want in my life, what was driving me crazy, and seeing what was wrong with the life I created. What do you think happens when we focus on the negative?
That's right, we get more and more negative. As a result we shut down all our creative impulses, and get even more disconnected with our soul.

When this happens, it's virtually impossible to connect to your inner wisdom, and hear that magical inner voice that knows it all! Well it definitely knows what's best for you.

I started feeling the weight on my shoulders (literally - as it lead me to getting chiropractic adjustments), and negative outlook on my life resulted in physical pain. I started having stomach problems and severe back pain.

I knew I went too far. I knew it wasn't the way I would find my authentic path, and live my passions. I knew I had to re-direct my focus again.

And I did. First thing was to stop beating myself up. You are here now, and there is a reason for that. Just being aware that there is something more than having a job is truly amazing. It's like that quietness before the storm, that's impregnated with wild creative forces that are getting ready to be unleashed. It's magical.

Second, I needed to focus on what is good in my life, which was plenty. I needed to remind myself how far I'd come. Acknowledging your own accomplishments is extremely important. Not only do we focus on positive, we empower our ability to make big changes. Once I looked back and truly reflected on everything I'd done so far, I realized how fearless and strong I was. That boosted my confidence level once again, and propelled me to set out a whole new set of goals.

And that's where I am right now. Still not sure what my next step will be but at peace with where I am, and that is all I need. I know there will come a moment when all stars will get aligned for me, and my inner ears will open, and my soul will speak clearly to me, and then I'll be guided to my right path. In the meantime, I'll do my best to stay at peace, and radiate my light no matter where I am.
